3 Week-Broker Challenge

Transformation starts today, let’s do it!

Limited to 30 Brokers – Hurry as spots are limited

It’s not a fitness challenge, it’s a broker challenge with the goal of becoming a time-conscious business owner, with the foundations in place to grow and double your business. 

By the end of August, you should be ready to start the new financial year as a focused, growth-driven mortgage and finance broker. 

Take the August challenge. For every low-value, repetitive task you do in August we want to know and support you through it. Each week you will receive a check-in form via email, which will help you reflect on the tasks holding you back that week. From marketing, ordering valuations, lodging loan applications… you name it we want to know what is taking you TIME!  We will then send you some feedback and support on how to better pivot and maximise your time. 

This challenge is only available for brokers

The cost – FREE ….worth over $3,000 of advice and support. Limited to 30 Brokers

Challenge starts 31st July

You must register before 28th July

How do I sign up?

Register via the sign-up form before 28 July and get ready to start Monday 31st July. The form will ask questions as a base, and ask your goals for the next 4 weeks

Once registered complete the self-assessment and cost calculator this is a great way to understand where you are spending your time and the cost of this.

Recieve a check-in form each Monday for the 3 weeks of the challenge. Be honest in the questionnaire you will receive each week.

Keep an eye on your email for personalised feedback.

So what are you waiting for? Let’s work smarter, not harder, and put the foundations in place to double, or triple your business in the new financial year.

What do you receive FREE as part of the challenge

  • Personalised 1 on 1 feedback from award-winning, industry-recognised, entrepreneur - Petra Novakova - FREE!
  • Weekly support
  • 3 Weekly check-in emails - with a link to the form you will complete
  • Ability to set your business up for significant growth in the next 6 months
  • Winner - Exclusive Koruna Assist offer

What advice do you receive?

  • Time-saving tips - specific to mortgage and finance brokers
  • Coaching on how to re-prioritise and maximise tasks
  • Marketing and lead generation advice

How do you win?

  • The Challenge Winner will be announced via Facebook on the 31st August
  • The winning broker is someone …
    • Checks in weekly
    • Reduces their low-value task time by at least 50%
    • Is in a position to double their business in the new financial year!
    • Has developed a solid lead generation strategy
  • Don’t forget you are all winners as you are receiving over $3K worth of FREE advice and coaching

Is this challenge for me?

Ask yourself, are you a broker who will still do the following on your own

Post Submission

  • Follow-up lender (depends on queue)
  • Ensure all applications are on track
  • Address exception and condition items
  • Follow up lenders, solicitors, and all third party involved
  • Review mortgage documents


Post Settlement

  • Pricing reviews
  • Mortgage variations

Other tasks

  • Scheduling social media
  • Developing social media posts 
  • Developing and scheduling email marketing campaigns 
  • Following up old/past leads and clients
  • Developing brochures 
  • Lead generation via LinkedIn
  • SEO

What are you waiting for? Let’s change your business together

Cost Calculator

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